The first time I sewed a binding, it turned out horrible! Since then, I have been looking a many blogs and websites that offer photo tutorials about how to easily deal with the binding. This time, it went much more smoothly! It only took me a few hours to put the binding on the Jim Shore Angel quilt. Here are some pictures of it:
The quilting pattern is a flower (sunflower-ish) and I made the binding from scraps of the quilt.
I also did some scrap-busting this weekend. My cat is always laying all over my fabric and my quilts as I am trying to work on them. He just loves laying on them and rolling around. I took some of my scraps from my Christmas quilt (currently at the quilter) and made him a little blanket/liner for his kitty bed.
I figured since this was for the cat (and he wouldn't mind mistakes) I decided to quilt it myself! I used spray adhesive to put together the "quilt sandwich" and masking tape to sew the first set of lines. The second set of lines I did free hand and they are fun and wavy. I also tried to machine sew the binding and the results weren't that bad! Instead of starting the binding on the front, I started it on the back. Then I folded it over and sewed the binding to the front with a decorative stitch. It actually looked quilt and was MUST faster than hand-sewing.
wavy quilting
Machine sewed binding and part of the sewn name (not the best picture)
He loves it!
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