Friday, July 23, 2010

Route 66 quilt done!

It's been a long road this week...

  • I had to work on this quilt while my husband was sleeping (yawn...)
  • I don't like fussy cutting
  • My fabric was from all different places and stretched differently (grrrrrr....)
  • I need a real ironing board

But the Route 66 quilt top for my hubby's Christmas present is DONE!  What I love most about this quilt is the border fabric and the map fabric around each block.  I orginally made 16 blocks but realized it was going to be way too big.  The finished size now is around 60 x 60. 

I looked around for awhile for Route 66 fabric and I have some I didn't use on the quilt top.  I think for the back of this quit, I am going to piece together strips of Route 66 fabric and maybe add in some fabric that looks like a road.  Okay, now the hard part...keeping this a secret until Christmas!